
Dojo Ministry is a Grace Family Church ministry that combines Biblical devotion with the discipline and skillset of martial arts to train up believers in both their character and capabilities.


Dojo Ministry is run by Pastor Guro Vince Alvarez, an elder and youth pastor of Grace Family Church (GFC), who is a certified instructor and black belt in Presas Style Kombatan Arnis, a type of Filipino Martial Arts (FMA).


The purpose of Dojo Ministry is to train believers to be excellent in spirit and skill—so that they are sound in their doctrine and versatile in their abilities—by discipling them through martial arts, specifically Kombatan Arnis, training and teachings of Scriptures.

Gospel Training Packet


Sunday Evenings (except for the first Sunday of every month):

  • All Ages: 5 - 7pm


Grace Family Church

631 Railroad Ave. Suisun City, California 94585

At Home Training:

If you want to supplement your training at home or you can’t make it to our training sessions at the church, check out the videos on our YouTube channel.


The primary costs for participating in GFC’s Dojo Ministry are Dedication and Courtesy. 

Respectful conduct and attendance to both the martial arts training and the biblical devotionals of Dojo Ministry are required to participate.

Otherwise, the only financial cost is the equipment:

  • $30 for a pair of sticks

  • $15 for a training blade

  • $18 for T-shirts (when available)

  • Playrambits are coming soon!

However, finances should not be an obstacle to participate in Dojo Ministry. Equipment can be loaned out or sponsored. Please see Pastor Guro about any financial issue you may have so we can get you swinging sticks as soon as possible. 

Contact: gfcyouthgroup34@gmail.com 

We look forward to having you train with us in the Dojo!